
Archive for Just Saved

The Christian Life Hard or Easy? – Sermon – June 29 2014

The Christian Life, Hard or Easy? - Bulletin cover image , a man asking Jesus to pilot him across life's tempestuous seaThe Christian Life Hard or Easy? – Sermon – June 29 2014

Questions that will be answered in the Sermon:

What is that road supposed to be like, the road in which we are to follow Jesus as our Good Shepherd and Savior?

Is the Christian life supposed to be hard or easy?  Is it joyful or sad?  Full of strength and good things or is it painful and full of trouble?

When God lead the people out of bondage in Egypt,  why did endur hardship, such as a lack of food, a lack of water?  Why did they have to wonder 40 years in the desert, especially after 400 plus years in slavery/bondage in Egypt?

Listen for these questions and answers about  The Christian Life Hard or Easy? , in the one-part Video or one-part MP3 Audio Sermon below.

Scriptures will be below from the church bulletin used in the Sermon:

Psalm 12,  Jeremiah 38: 1-6,  2 Timothy 1: 8-14,  Matthew 10: 16-23

Keywords:     Prostitute saved by Pastor Greg as a Chaplain in a Hospital in Baltimore, suffering, Jeremiah suffering, What is Christian life like?,  Joy, hardship, Faithsermon-divider1


MP3 Player - The Christian Life, Hard or Easy? - Sermon - June 29 2014


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