
Archive for Elijah

Can God Use Even Little Me – Sermon – July 28 2013

Can God Use Even Little Me? – Sermon – July 28 2013

Can God use even little you to do great things in His kingdom?  Can God use even our little congregation to do great things in the world?  When God asked Moses to lead his people, was Moses an exceptional man?  Was he different from us?  Did he first make many excuses and argue against it, as we would?  Is it not the Meek that shall inherit the earth?

Listen for these questions and answers about Can God Use Even Little Me?, below in the 1-part Video or 1-part MP3 Audio Sermon below.

Scriptures below from the church bulletin used in the Sermon:

Psalm: 78: 65-72,  Judges 6: 11-16,  Galatians 1: 11-24,  Luke 5: 1-11

Keywords: Evangelism,  ordinary people,  are you too young to witness?  are you to old to Evangelize or to do Evangelism,  knowledgeable, uneducated in the Bible,  not trained in Ministry,  I am too much of a sinner, Noah, Abraham, Jacob, Leah, Joseph, Moses, Gideon, Samson, Rahab, Jeremiah, Timothy, David, Elijah, Isaiah, Jonah, Naomi, Job, Peter,  Martha, Samaritan woman, Paul Lazarus, witnessing



MP3 Player - Can God Use Even Little You? - Sermon - July 28 2013


Elijah’s Mantle – Ascension Sunday – Sermon – May 04 2008

Elijah’s Mantle – Ascension Sunday – Sermon – May 04 2008

Listen for these questions and answers about “Elijah’s Mantle – Ascension Sunday”, in the 1-part MP3 Audio Sermon below.


MP3 Player - Elijah’s Mantle – Ascension Sunday - Sermon - May 04 2008


The Sovereignty of God – Sermon – September 25 2011

The Sovereignty of God – Sermon – September 25 2011

Is the World in a chaos?   Does everything just happen in life by chance and luck and happenstance?  Do you believe the World is under the rule of almighty God?  Does God still daily reign over the world, upholding it by His power, ruling over all things in your favor?  What kind of a king is this God whom we serve?  What does the World say is out of control?  Wind , Weather, Storms and Hurricanes, all by chance?   Does God command the weather?  Does God make sure the Sparrow is fed each day?  Last question, if God rules, then why is there so much disorder?

Listen for these questions and answers about “The Sovereignty of God”, below in the 1-part MP3 Audio Sermon below.

Scriptures below from the church bulletin used in the Sermon:

Psalm 115,   Job 40: 1-14,  Revelation 11: 15-19,  John 19: 4-11

Keywords: In the World but not of the World Sermon Series, control of the World and Creation, Timothy McVeigh the Oklahoma city bomber, Jonah and the giant fish,  Ravens to feed Elijah, the Lions in the den did not harm Daniel, King Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon and Belshazzar, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, comfort of God,  calm, peace, order , confidence, joy, courage through God


MP3 Player - The Sovereignty of God - Sermon - September 25 2011
