
Archive for 911

No Fear In Trouble – 9-11 Ten Year Anniversary – Sermon – September 11 2011

No Fear In Trouble – 9-11 Ten Year Anniversary – Sermon – September 11 2011

As Christians living in a sinful world, and how we are in the world but not of the world, how does that change our response to tragedies, disasters and tough times, like 9/11?  How are we Christians different from other people when facing hardships and tribulations?

Listen for these questions and answers about “No Fear In Trouble – 9-11 Ten Year Anniversary”, below in the 1-part MP3 Audio Sermon below.

Scriptures below from the church bulletin used in the Sermon:

Psalm 46,  Isaiah 8: 9-17,  1 Peter 3: 13-22,  Matthew 10: 21-33

Keywords: Natural disasters, 2004 Tsunami, 2005 Hurricane Katrina,  2010 Haiti earthquake, Islam and Muslims, the Lord is a man of War and a dread warrior and also a gentle compassionate God, power and sovereignty of God, child that triumphed over tragedy, Patriotic Sermon


MP3 Player - No Fear In Trouble – 9-11 Ten Year Anniversary - Sermon - September 11 2011


Are Natural Disasters Signs of God’s Judgement – Sermon – 03-06-2013

Are Natural Disasters Signs of God’s Judgement? – Sermon – 03-06-2013

Are natural disasters the result of a person’s sin?  Can we look at events like this and see God’s hand of judgment in it?  What about Hurricane Katrina and New Orleans – sinful city – Mardi Gras – known for sexual sin, sensuality, greed, voodoo?  What about the Tsunami in 2004, taking 250,000 in 14 countries?  Worshipers of idols and Muslims?  What about the Haiti earthquake which killed 1/4 of a million people?  Or Sept 11 2001?  Is it possible that people don’t suffer for their sin but for righteousness?

Listen for these questions and answers about “Are Natural Disasters Signs of God’s Judgement?”, below in the 1-part MP3 Audio Sermon below.

Scriptures below from the church bulletin used in the Sermon:

Ezekiel 33:7-20, 1 Corinthians 10:1-13, Luke 13:1-9

Keywords: Wrath, Rath, Judgement, God’s Judgement, Hurricane Katrina, Tsunami, sodom and gomorrah destruction of a city for their sins, ELCA church in Minneapolis for allowing homosexual man/men to be pastors and tornado ripped the steeple off the church,


MP3 Player - Are Natural Disasters Signs of God's Judgement - Sermon - March 06, 2013
