
Archive for counterfeit christs

Counterfeit christ’s and false gospels – Sermon – October 23 2016

10-23-15-counterfeit-gospelsQuestions to think about before you hear the Sermon:

Are you on guard against counterfeit christs and false gospels?  Could you be led astray, even you, if one of these counterfeit ones should appear?  Is this really something we need to be concerned about?  Really a danger?  Where does God teach us about counterfeit christs and false gospels in the Scripture?

Listen for these questions and answers  for “Counterfeit christ’s and false gospels”, below in the 1-part Video ,  or the one-part MP3 Audio Sermon.

Scriptures below from the church bulletin used in the Sermon: 

Pslam 96,  Jeremiah 28: 12-17,  2 Corinthians 11: 1-6,  Mark 13: 14-27


Jeremiah 14: 13 – 14, worthless divination, false prophets,  2 Peter 2: 1-3,  Mark 13: 19 – 23, false Christs and false prophets, signs and wonders,  tribulation, counterfeit christs and false gospels are a special sign of the last days,  1 John 2: 18 -22,  politically correct,  Jesus of the Mormons,  Jesus of Islam,  the Quran and Mary,  Surah 19:34 says Allah,  Hindu Jesus,  Jesus of Liberal Churches,  how many are led astray by false gospels and counterfeit christs?,  Galatians 1: 6-9,  2 Corinthians 11: 2 – 4,  his return will be like lightning,  Matthew 24: 24-27, 2 Timothy 4



MP3 Player - Counterfeit christ's and False gospels - Sermon - October 23 2016