
Archive for Dead Sea Scrolls of 1947

How Old Testament Prophecies Prove that Jesus is The Christ – Sermon – November 29 2015

11-29-15-Bulletin-an-open-Bible-imageHow Old Testament Prophecies Prove that Jesus is The Christ – Sermon – November 29 2015

Questions to think about before you hear the Sermon: 

Today – how can we be sure that the Jesus whom we follow is the true Christ of God?  Buddhists are sure Buddha is the man to follow.  Hindus are sure Krishna is the man to follow.  Muslims are dead-set certain Mohammed is the man to follow.  How do we know that we are right that Jesus is the only one to follow as the Savior of the World?  Where was the Christ to come from?  What lineage did Christ come from?  What kind of birth was His to be in this lineage?  Did God give a specific time prophecy as to when Jesus Christ would be born?

Listen for these questions and answers about for “How Old Testament Prophecies Prove that Jesus is The Christ”, below in the 1-part Video ,  or the one-part MP3 Audio Sermon.

Scriptures below from the church bulletin used in the Sermon: 

Psalm 44: 1-8,  Isaiah 42: 8-13,  1 Peter 1: 3-12, Luke 1: 13-20

Keywords:  Prophecies of Jesus Christ in the Old Testament, Isaiah 7: 10-14, When was Christ to be born ? Daniel 2: 44,  Where was the Christ to come from? Genesis 3:15,  What lineage?  Genesis 49: 10,  What kind of birth was Christ to be born from?  Isaiah 7, Where was Christ to be born? Micah 5: 2 and Matthew 2: 3,  Christ was to be proceeded by a messenger! Isaiah 4: 3,  Where was the Christ to minister when he grew up?  Isaiah 9: 1,  What would Christ do in his Ministry?  Isaiah 35,  He would spoke like no man had spoke before.  Matthew 7: 28 and John 7: 45 ,  He was to be betrayed for how much money?  Psalm 41: 9 and Matthew 26: 14 and Zechariah 11: 12,  God said he would be rejected by Men.  Isaiah 53: 3,  And on that day, “says the Lord God,” I will make the sun go down at noon, and darken the earth in broad daylight. An eclipse. Amos 8: 9, How far would this salvation reach? Isaiah 49: 5, False Gods, Hindu, Krishna, Buddha, Mohammed, Islam, Quran



MP3 Player - How Old Testament Prophecies Prove that Jesus is The Christ - Sermon - November 29 2015

Psalm 22 Prophecy of Christ – Good Friday – Sermon – April 18 2014

Good Friday bulletin cover image showing a Crown of Thorns and morePsalm 22 Prophecy of Christ – Good Friday – Sermon – April 18 2014

Questions to help understand the direction and meaning of the Sermon for You:

Psalm 22 explains the details of Christ’s Crucifixation , what are some of these details?  Did Christ’s bones get broken to insure his complete death on the Cross, as happened to the two criminals on either side of him?  What are some more details?

Where did the words that came of Jesus’ mouth right before he died, “My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me , come from?  Were they just the word spoken of a dying Man, or were they shared with us once before in the Old Testament?

Does the Old Testament provide us Proof or Foreshadowing, about the details of Jesus Christ life and Crucifixion and Resurrection?

Listen for these questions and answers about for Psalm 22 Prophecy of Christ – Good Friday, in the one-part MP3 Audio Sermon.

Scriptures below from the church bulletin used in the Sermon:

Isaiah 52: 13 thru Isaiah 53:12,  Hebrews 4: 14-16;  5: 7-9,  John 19: 17-30

Keywords: Christ’s Crucifixion in detail from Psalm 22, Isaiah 53,  Christ in the Old Testament, Christ foreshadowed in the Old Testament


MP3 Player - Psalm 22 Prophecy of Christ - Good Friday - Sermon - April 18 2014


Where Did We Get the Bible – Sermon – February 27 2011

Where Did We Get the Bible ? – Sermon – February 27 2011

Knowing that we have a long journey – earth to heaven, and how we need to follow the direction God points us to in his Word to arrive at our goal of Heaven, the question then, How reliable is the Bible?  Many religions claim to have sacred books, such as Islam and their Koran, how reliable is the origin of the Bible?  How perfect a chart is it?  Where does it come from?  Who wrote it?  Why do people deny the Bible, mock it, disbelieve it and try to disprove it at every turn?  Why has the World always rejected the Truth?

Listen for these questions and answers about “Where Did We Get the Bible ?”, in the 1-part MP3 Audio Sermon below.

Scriptures below from the church bulletin used in the Sermon:

Psalm 119: 65-72,  Zechariah 7: 8-14,  2 Peter 1: 16-21,  John 8:48-59

Keywords: truth , scripture, islam, the koran, quran, muslim, 25000 manuscripts of the Bible, archaeology supports the Bible, historical proof,  dead sea scrolls, prophetic, prophecy, proof of scripture


MP3 Player - Where Did We Get the Bible ? - Sermon - February 27 2011
