
Archive for Pastors-Preachers-of-Modern-Day-mentioned

Does God Save Us in Baptism? – Sermon – January 10 2016

01-10-16-Christ-Standing-in-Water-arms-raisedDoes God Save Us in Baptism? – Sermon – January 10 2016

Questions to think about before you hear the Sermon:

Is going public with your Faith by getting Baptized a part of Scripture? Is Baptism something you do for God, or something God does for you?  What happens in Baptism?

Listen for these questions and answers about for “Does God Save Us in Baptism?”, below in the 1-part Video ,  or the one-part MP3 Audio Sermon.

Scriptures below from the church bulletin used in the Sermon: 

Psalm 51: 2-12,  Ezekiel 36: 22-27,  Romans 6: 1-11, Matthew 3: 11-17


going public with your faith,  Baptists, Pentecostal, Non-Denominational, churches, Nicodemus the Pharisee a ruler of the Jews, born of water and the spirit, Adrian Rodgers and Baptism, people saved by Baptism and through water: 2 Kings: 5 Naaman, the Tabernacle and water, the Red Sea, Noah , 1 Peter 3: 18 about Noah, the washing of regeneration and renewal in the Holy Spirit, Ephesians 5: 25-27,  John 3: 5 “Jesus answered, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God.” ,  Titus 3: 3-7 ,  Acts 2: 38-39  And Peter said to them, “Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. 39 For the promise is for you and for your children and for all who are far off, everyone whom the Lord our God calls to himself.” , Ananias in Acts 22: 16 “And now why do you wait? Rise and be baptized and wash away your sins, calling on his name.”



MP3 Player - Does God Save Us in Baptism? - Sermon - January 10 2016

Is It Possible To Lose Your Salvation? – Sermon – September 06 2015

09-06-15-Holding-up-his-hands-to-the-Lord-300wIs It Possible To Lose Your Salvation? – Sermon – September 06 2015

Questions to help understand the direction and meaning of the Sermon for You: 

Can a person be saved, and then ever lose his or her salvation?  In other words, Is it possible to fall and be damned after having been justified at some time in Christ?  According to the Bible is it possible for a person to make shipwreck of his faith?

Listen for these questions and answers about for “Is it possible to lose your Salvation?”, below in the 1-part Video ,  or the one-part MP3 Audio Sermon.

Not part of a Sermon Series, not yet anyhow 🙂

Scriptures below from the church bulletin used in the Sermon:

Psalm 119: 1-8,  33-40, 67-68,  Ezekiel 18: 20-29,  Hebrews 10: 19-25,  Matthew 7: 15-23


ship of salvation, lose our salvation, fall from salvation, shipwrecked in our faith, once saved always saved, Tony Evans, Adrian Rogers, Dr. David Jeremiah, J. Vernon McGee, Charles Stanley,  1 Timothy 1: 18, 2 Timothy 2: 17, swerve from the truth, Demas in love with this present world and Thessalonica,  others who fell from Salvation: Hymenaeus, Philetus, Alexander , swerved from the faith, Luke 8: 11, 2 Peter 2: 20, commit apostasy, Hebrews 6: 4 partakers of the Holy Spirit who have tasted the heavenly gift, its end is to be burned, enlightened means saved,  Hebrews 10: 26, female cadet fell overboard on “The Californian”, 2 Peter 3: 17, James 4: 7,  Hebrews 12: 1 run with perserverance the race,



MP3 Player - Is It Possible To Lose Your Salvation? - Sermon - September 06 2015

The Assurance of Salvation – Sermon – January 10 2010

Drawing of the Cross and test saying, "Everyone who Calls on the Name of the Lord will be Saved" The Assurance of Salvation – Sermon – January 10 2010

Can you be sure you are saved?  If you died tonight are you sure you would go to Heaven?

What does God have to say to us about it in the Bible?  Do some Pastors or Preachers say we are guaranteed Salvation and can never lose it?  Who is right? The Preachers or what Scripture actually says?  Who in Scripture points out the Truth about whether we have Assurance of Salvation or Not?

Listen for these questions and answers about “The Assurance of Salvation”, in the 1-part MP3 Audio Sermon below.

Scriptures used in Sermon from the church bulletin:

Psalm 118:1, 5-9, 15-24,  Joel 2: 23-32,  2 Peter 1: 1-11,  Luke 3: 15-22

Keywords: apostasy is the only way to lose salvation, mother teresa, theresa, in her words had such spiritual darkness and depression, she spoke of dryness, loneliness, torture, mother theresa began to doubt the existence of God in Heaven, her smile was a mask she said, she had such an intense spiritual darkness, yet she kept all the Sacraments, but her heart was not in Christ so she was very depressed, very unhappy, very sad, Martin Luther and the Catholic Church on Assurance of Salvation, Preacher Charles Stanley, Preacher Tony Evans, Gregory the Great – 7th century Pope,  losing your Salvation, Apostasy, License to Sin


MP3 Player - The Assurance of Salvation - Sermon - January 10 2010
