
Archive for trust in the Lord

Dependence Day – Sermon – July 03 2011

Dependence Day – Sermon – July 03 2011

First, what does it mean to depend upon Him, to depend upon God?  When the Phillippian jailer guarding the Apostle Paul and Silas in prison, was knocked out from an earthquake, and the prison cell doors were all open, he drew his sword to kill himself, before he was punished for letting the prisoners escape, until he saw that Paul and Silas were still in their cells, and the Jailer asked “What Must I do to be Saved”.  What did this mean to be saved?  When you celebrate Independence Day,  do you also celebrate Independence from God?  What do we depend upon God for?

Listen for these questions and answers about “Dependence Day”, below in the 1-part MP3 Audio Sermon below.

Scriptures below from the church bulletin used in the Sermon:

Psalm 146,  Isaiah 26: 1-9,  2 Corinthians 1: 8-11,  Luke 7: 1-10

Keywords: dependence on God, Independent lone rangers, God is our Fortress, the Rock of Salvation, trust in the Lord, God is our refuge, Patriotic Sermon


MP3 Player - Dependence Day - Sermon - July 03 2011
