
Can You Endure Patiently In Suffering ? – Sermon – March 02 2014

Can You Endure Patiently In Suffering ? – Sermon – March 02 2014

Questions answered in the Sermon:

Think about this, No one, other than Christ, suffered so much as Paul in regards to beatings physically and attacks verbally, and yet, at the same time, no one rejoiced as much as Paul!   Isn’t that Strange? – Wouldn’t you think, that the one who suffers the most is the one who is most defeated, and most sorrowful?  The one who suffers the most is rejoicing the most?  What secrets did he , Paul, have, to rejoice even in his afflictions?  Do you think we can learn something from him?

Are you suffering today from something that has come into your life?  Are you groaning, moaning, wincing, bewailing your fate?  Are you prepared for the struggles, sufferings to come, whatever they may be – abuse/persecution for the gospel, loss of family, wealth, health, friends – as was the case with righteous Job?  Do you see God’s great purpose in your afflictions?  Do You believe God will rescue you from ALL your afflictions?

Listen for these questions and answers about Can You Endure Patiently In Suffering ?, below in the 1-part Video ,  or the one-part MP3 Audio Sermon.

Scriptures below from the church bulletin used in the Sermon:

Psalm 37: 1-11,  Isaiah 30: 15-18,  Romans 8: 18-25,  Luke 18: 1-8

Keywords: suffering, trials and tribulation, Paul’s Thorn in the flesh, persecution by family, friends, loved ones, holding fast, fighting the good fight of the faith, Job, the End Times



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